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How to get a teaching job with no experience

Making the move into a career in teaching can be hugely rewarding. However, the problem you may face is your seemingly lack of experience in the field of teaching. However, there are ways you can work around this issue and still secure a teaching job; with minimal or no prior experience.

February 03, 2021

Be Enthusiastic

Make sure your enthusiasm for the job shines through. As a beginner in the field of teaching, employers will tend to look for the quality of enthusiasm. As a new recruit, employers will be looking for your drive and motivation to get things done in the most effective and efficient manner possible.


“Real world” experience

If you’re considering teaching as a mid-career change, then you’re unlikely to have a lot of experience in the field of education; but you’re bound to have experience in a different field. Your practical, “real world” experience in your current field can certainly make you a suitable educator for that particular subject. For example, if you’ve been in a senior level management position in a business, you may be able to teach the students a number of useful things about business management. However, you also need to remember that things will be different – just because you’ve worked in the field does not mean you know it all. Make sure you show you are open to learning and developing your skill set to fully fit in to this new setting.


Prove that you are up to date

It’s likely the education system right now is nothing like how you remember it to be! Schools have changed, teaching standards have changed, newer technology is being used in everyday classroom learning. You will need to show the school or recruiter that you are completely up to date and on board with all the changes that have taken place in the field of education and that you’re well aware of their importance.


Polish your teaching skills

So, you know what you want to teach, but you’ll need to work on how you intend to teach. Being knowledgeable on a subject doesn’t mean you’re going to be good at imparting that knowledge! Communicating well with your students is key to being a good teacher. You’ll need to be able to explain everything in a way they will actually understand – you’ll need to be able to interact with the students and focus on getting the core concepts across.


Getting a teaching job with no experience may not be easy, but with the right amount of effort and time it will surely be a rewarding step.
